Wet Mix Macadam (WMM)

According to the project’s specifications, Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) work entails placing and compacting clean, crushed, graded aggregate and granular material premixed with water to a dense mass on a prepared GSB layer or existing pavement. WMM can be laid in layers, but when vibrating or other authorized compacting equipment is used, the thickness of the single compacted layer must be at least 75 mm and no more than 200 mm.

Plants, Equipment and Machinery for Wet Mix Macadam:

  • WMM plant
  • Loader
  • WMM Paver (Sensor)
  • Motor Grader
  • Vibratory Rollers, capacity 80-100KN static wt
  • Tipper/Dumpers, Cap
  • Plate compactor (as per site requirement)

The above equipment deployment list is for a single WMM setup, whereas the number of sets shall be mobilized per the program’s requirement.